Development Program for
Creating an Organizational Engagement Culture

Engagement leads to results

The leading research in behavioral science shows that engagement is associated with at least nine positive outcomes every company wants: Greater revenue growth in organizations; Greater job commitment and less emotional exhaustion; greater performance; greater commitment to values and policies; greater job and compensation satisfaction; greater loyalty and trust; deeper learning; fewer physical health complaints; and greater overall life satisfaction.

Focus on what drives engagement

Many organizations find it difficult to build strong engagement cultures, even after making significant investments. 4 out of 5 organizations don’t even feel confident that they’re equipped to build cultures of strong engagement. Global research shows that only one-third of employees describe themselves as engaged in their work. The problem is that companies focus too much on the degree of engagement rather than on the factors that drive it. Leaders know too little about the emotional and psychological connections employees have to their work and their organization. If we want to strengthen engagement, we need to get “under the hood” of engagement.

The most established and verified framework

For decades, social scientists have been successfully building frameworks to understand and improve the key experiences that drive engagement. The most widely used motivational framework is Self-Determination Theory (SDT). It’s been validated by thousands of studies around the world, has inspired best-selling management books (Drive), and has been used by Fortune 100 companies, professional sports teams, teachers, health workers and leaders in the US, Europe and Asia to build stronger performance. We in Interaction Consulting Group have created a program based on Self-Determination Theory, for developing an engagement culture in your organization.

Program activities

The program consists of targeted meetings, teaching and experience-sharing seminars and coaching, as well as measuring the quality of engagement for all employees. The measurement provides valuable feedback both in the form of data analysis and in recommended actions for individuals, teams and the organization. The program involves senior leadership, managers and employees, with different levels of participation in the various program activities.    .

We have flexible solutions to meet your organisation's needs

We start with a meeting with key decision-makers to agree on scope and deliverables, and to identify the relevant business and cultural parameters. The decision-makers decide which elements they want to include in the program as well as the time-frame.    

Would you like to learn more about developing an engagement culture? Make contact! We'd love to hear from you.

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